School Education English

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Тест 8. Неличные формы глагола.

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. You could ... me ... about the news when you received the letter.
2. The tourists watched the bear ... across the river and ... in the bushes.
3. The situation was so ... that he wasn`t able ... a word.
4. The teacher advised the students ... films in English for ... fluent speech better.
5. His friends couldn`t stand his ... all the time and would prefer him ... silent.
6. I bought a ... book for you ... while you are ill.
7. The actress finished ... and started ... the violin.
8. She felt ... after three hours ... in the gym.
9. Thomas stopped ... the advertisement in the shop window. Then he stopped ... and went into the shop.
10. We regret ... you that your application has been turned down. We are sorry, we forgot ... you about it earlier.

Тест 8. Неличные формы глагола. 2.62/5 (52.38%) 21 votes