26.12.2015 Тесты, Тесты по разделам грамматики by seenglish Тест 2. Притяжательный падеж существительных Выберите правильный вариант ответа. 1. This is my ... toy. sisters'es sister sister's2. He is staying at his ... house while he is on holidays. friends' friends friends's3. ... daughter is having an exam in Arts tomorrow. Mike's and Susan's Mike and Susan's Mike's and Susan4. You can buy all the things you need at the ... . bakers's bakers baker's5. The teacher wants to see ... parents. Tom Smith's and Jane Brown Tom Smith's and Jane Brown's Tom Smith and Jane Brown's6. She knew nothing about her ... arrival. sisters-in-laws' sister-in-laws' sister-in-law's7. Meet Alice, she is a friend of my ... . daughter's daughters daughters's8. He has not read ... newspapers yet. todays' today's today9. ... student made a report at the conference. Professor's Johnson Professor Johnson's Professor's Johnson's10. The ... answers to the questions were important for the police. passer's-by passers-by' passers-by's Спонсор плагина: Тесты для девочек Тест 2. Притяжательный падеж существительных 3.33/5 (66.67%) 42 votes Читайте также:Тест 10. Модальные глаголыТест 8. Неличные формы глагола.Тест 9. Сослагательное наклоненеиеТест 6. МестоименияТест 7. ЧислительныеТест 4. Времена глаголаТест 5. Прилагательные и наречияТест 3. АртикльТест 1. Множественное число существительныхТестирование знаний